Friday, January 29, 2010

Gun enforcement

It was during the election of this year that I noticed that alot of people were concerned about guns. Many people thought that when President Obama got into office that he would ban guns from the United States. I saw alot of people rushing to the shops and buying every gun that they could buy. Even though it was a time of money difficulty the sales for guns went up! It was not at all hard to figure out who the people where that were against tougher enforcement of gun laws. It was crazy to think that they were fighting against tougher gun enforcement just so that they could have the right to buy an AK 47. I whole heartly believe in the second amendment. I believe in the right to bear arms. What many people failed to realize is that the restrictions would not affect the average law abiding citizen. President Obama was tough of gun laws in Illinois because of the homicide rate there. He believed that if tougher restrictions were on repeat offenders then it would stop the violence that was occuring and guess what? He was right about it. There is a need for tougher gun laws to help police put away Felons. The best thing that happen was when congress passed the Project EXILE Act, which provided $100 milion over five years that sentenced criminals who use or carry a firearm during a violent crime or serious drug trafficking offenses to at lease five years in prison without parole. Even Felons know that this is serious. Many have stayed away from fireams. The Felons that decided to pick up a weapon was sentenced to Federal time in a prison. The streets were alot safer to be around. Strict gun enforcement is nothing to fear. It will not take away from the second amendment unless you are a felon. If you are a felon then chances are that you probably don't need a gun in your possesion. The fear of strict gun laws after all is nothing to fear. The average American that is a law abiding citizen was not affected by the strict gun laws. It is a great tool for law enforcement! What many people don't understand is that when law enforcement don't have enough evidence to charge a felon with a crime that they committed then they could always charge them with being in possession of a firearm when they are close to a weapon or near a gun. After talking to the U.S District Attorney I found out that if a felon is in possession of bullets even without a gun they could still get five years prision.

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